Sugarcane Harris and the PFDA

[57 Years of Music Part One]

Strictly Beta
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2023


Meeting the great Sugarcane Harris was pretty strange. He had a “do”, that is, his hair was straightened, making him look more Hispanic than Black. At the first rehearsal, Don’s hair was back to afro. Paul asked his “What happened to your do?” to which Don replied, “It turned into a muthafuckin’ don’t!”

Don had freckles and was light-skinned. It was rumored that he had an Irish grandfather. I later met his mother, an educated and totally charming woman who long-endured Don’s “shortcomings” that were…



Former touring sideman, now active in composing, playing and recording my own music and helping other artists distribute their music on the Each Hit Music label